Southern Province Cement Company announces the results of its 35th General Assembly

Southern Province Cement Company in Abha is pleased to announce the results of its 35th General Assembly, which was held on the announced time, on the afternoon of Tuesday 27/4/1433h, corresponding to 20/3/2012, the following decisions were taken:

1.The contents of the Board of Director’s annual report were approved.

2.The company budget as of 31/12/2011, and the 2011 profit and loss accounts were attested.

3.The accountability of the Directors during this period was cleared.

4.The distribution of the profits as per the suggestion of the Board of Directors was approved, at 62.5% of the total paid capital, SR (6.25) per share, SR (2.75) was already paid in the first half of the year, and SR (3.5) will be paid to each share for the second half starting Wednesday 28/3/2012. The entitlement of these profits will be for the shareholders registered in the company records at the Saudi Capital Market (Tadawul), the Deposit Center, on the day the assembly was held

5.The office of Dr. Mohammad Al- Amri was chosen to audit the company’s annual and quarter accounts during 2012.

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