Southern Province cement Company invites its shareholders to attend the meeting of the general assembly number 36

Southern Province Cement Company is pleased to invite the shareholders who own 20 shares and more to attend the 36th General assembly meeting in the grand hall in its head office in Abha, (king Fahad Road), at 16:oo hrs. of Wednesday 8/5/1434h, corresponding to 20/3/2013 to look into the following agenda:

1-To approve the contents of the Board of Director’s annual report.

2-To attest the company budget as of 31/12/2012, and the 2012 profit and loss accounts.

3-To clear the accountability of the Directors during this period.

4-To approve the distribution of the dividends as per the suggestion of the Board of Directors, at 70% of the total paid capital, SR (7) per share, which SR (3) were already paid in the first half of the year, the entitlement of these dividends will be for the shareholders registered in the company records at the Saudi Capital Market (Tadawul), the deposit center, on the day the assembly is held. The date of distributing the dividends will be announced later.

5-To approve the choice of the auditing committee for the company accounts auditor chosen from the nominated offices to audit the company’s annual and quarter accounts during2013 and to specify the fees of the said office.

6-To agree for selling the land lot owned by the company by the real estate title deed No. 49 dated 29/2/1398h an area of 750 m2 with a two story building and an extension, in (Al-Minah plan No. 5 ) on Palestine road in Jeddah. And also land lot owned by the company owned by the company by the real estate title deed No. 1288 dated 29/12/1426h an area of 2.122 m2, no buildings on it, in (Al-Minah plan No. 20) in Al-Rihab area on Palestine road in Jeddah.


As per Article (26) of the Foundation Regulations, shareholder who cannot attend this assembly may depute another qualified shareholder to attend on behalf of him, conditionally the deputed shareholder is not a member of the board or a company employee, and conditionally the original deputation document arrives three days before the date of the assembly

The assembly will be considered legal in case 50% or more of the total paid capital attends.

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