SPCC invites its shareholders to attend the AGM (First Meeting)

The Board of Directors of SPCC (SAUDI JOINT STOCK COMPANY) is pleased to invite the company’s shareholders to attend the 42nd Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at the headquarters of Abha City (https://goo.gl/maps/2Guj3KJU7vD2) at 6:00 pm And half of the evening on Sunday, 18/05 / 1439H corresponding to 04/02/2018 to discuss the following agenda:
To vote on the formation of the Audit Committee for the new session, which will start on 1/1/2018 for a period of 4 years and to vote on its duties, work rules and the rewards of its members, and to nominate the following candidates:
1- HE Mr. Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Nabat
2- HE Dr. Abdul Hamid bin Saleh Al Khalifa
3- His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Nasser Abothneen
4. His Excellency Mr. Mansour bin Abdulaziz Al-Saghir
5. HE Mr. Adeeb Bin Mohammed Aba Nemi
In accordance with Article (36) of the Articles of Association of the Company, the quorum for holding the Ordinary General Assembly is at least 50% of the capital. In case of non-completion of the quorum necessary for holding the meeting, the second meeting will be held within thirty days from the date of the first meeting. The shareholders of the Company at the Depository Center at the end of the trading session prior to the General Assembly meeting and according to the regulations and regulations shall have the right to attend the meeting. Those who can not attend the shareholders on time shall have the right to appoint another person to attend the meeting other than the members of the Board of Directors or the Company’s employees. The Or from a licensed bank or a notary public or a person authorized to do so, and to provide the Company with a copy of the power of attorney to fax 0172270591 or e-mail sec.fin@spcc.com.sa at least two days before the date of the Assembly, Each shareholder or agent wishing to attend the meeting must bring with him the original identity and present the original of the power of attorney and the attendee one hour before the meeting to complete their registration procedures. Registration will end at the beginning of the meeting. Shareholders will be able to vote remotely by visiting the website of my transactions at (https://www.tadawulaty.com.sa) Note that t The registration is available free of charge to all shareholders as of Thursday 15/05/1439 H corresponding to 01/02/2018 at 11:00 am and ends on the day of the assembly at 16:00 pm.

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